
最近、「貴社のトモエリバーは2020年9月以前の商品ですか?」という問い合わせを度々頂く。紙名手配のトモエリバー手帳 52g/m2 はドット印刷も含めてすべて従来品(2020年9月以前の商品)だ。新マシンの商品と従来品どちらが好みかは意見が分かれるところだが、従来品を探している方は無くなる前に急いでご注文!お待ちしています。


Recently, I have received many inquiries from customers asking, "Is your Tomoe River a pre-September 2020 product? The Tomoe River 52g/m2 we sell, including dot printing, are all conventional products (products made before September 2020).Opinions differ as to whether you prefer the new machine products or the traditional products, but if you are looking for the traditional products, please hurry and order them before they are gone.
